
Joy Impact Makers Awards 2024: Nominees unveiled

In just about a month, the second edition of the Impact Makers Awards by Multimedia Group's JoyNews brand will roll out the red carpet for a good number of individuals digging deep into themselves to give hope to citizens and communities.

These individuals - whose daily struggles to brighten the corners where they are entail uncommon human courage and zeal- will be celebrated for their heroic deeds.

The Impact Makers Awards is a social project aimed at recognising and celebrating ordinary people doing extraordinary things in their communities, and the platform will afford the awardees the exposure and support to amplify their visions and missions.

Here, read a gist of the heart warming stories of the nominated heroes.

Eunice Asiedua Agyepong is a young teacher who was initially posted to a non-existent school in the Eastern Region of Ghana. Despite her hopes of being close to her elderly parents, she found herself assigned to Noka, a town where no school existed. 

Undeterred by this unexpected challenge and the ridicule she faced from friends and colleagues, Ms Agyepong remained resolute in her determination to make a positive impact in the lives of children in the Noka community. With the support of the local community, she took the initiative to establish the school, initially starting with just seven pupils in a church building generously provided by a local pastor. 

Eunice Asiedua Agyepong

Through her unwavering dedication, perseverance, and hard work, what was once a non-existent school has now transformed into a fully operational educational institution within the church premises. 

In just six months, the school's enrolment has grown to 125 pupils, and it now boasts nine trained teachers. The Noka M/A Basic School, under Miss Eunice Asiedua Agyepong's leadership, offers education from kindergarten to basic six, a testament to her tireless perseverance, dedication, and love for the community she serves.

Dr Kwame Sarkwah Aidoo

Dr Kwame Sarkwah Aidoo is a prominent figure in sustainable beekeeping, dedicated to improving rural livelihoods across Ghana and beyond. With a background in agriculture, he obtained a BSc (Hons) degree from the University of Cape Coast in 1980, followed by a Post Graduate Diploma in Apiculture from the University of Wales, College of Cardiff, UK in 1991.

Since then, Dr Aidoo has focused on promoting beekeeping as a sustainable income source for rural communities. He pursued advanced studies, earning an MPhil in Bee Biology from the University of Cape Coast in 1999 and a PhD in Pollination Ecology from a joint programme between the University of Cape Coast and Queen’s University, Belfast in 2008.

In 2015, Dr. Aidoo founded Bees for Development Ghana (BfDG) to extend sustainable beekeeping practices to rural communities in Ghana and other African countries. Dr. Aidoo has led impactful projects that have transformed the lives of disadvantaged individuals:

  • Collaboration with Adventist Development Relief Agency (1999-2004) to support 700 cashew
    and orange farmers in Eastern and Brong Ahafo Regions.
  • Empowerment of over 100 women through Community Support Bee Projects in Ghana and
    Liberia with Mercy Ships International (2005-2006).
  • Facilitation of a 300-farmer beekeeping project for Bia and Ankassa Conservation Areas
    Communities in the Western North Region (2009-2011) with sponsorship from the Forestry
    Commission (Wildlife Division) Ghana.
  • Consultancy with the UN Food and Agriculture Organization in Sierra Leone (2009-2012) to
    improve the activities of over 850 beekeepers in Koinadugu District.
  • Facilitation of beekeeping initiatives in Juaboso-Bia communities in the Western North
    Region (2011-2012) with support from Rainforest Alliance International.
  • Collaboration with African Cashew Initiative/GiZ to extend beekeeping to women cashew
    farmers in Tuna, Savanna Region (2010-2011).
  • Establishment of Buzz Clubs in basic schools in Ghana with support from Stroud Beekeepers
    Association, UK (2016) and the Australian High Commission.
  • Lead Consultant on the Sustainable Beekeeping Improvement Project in Eritrea (2016-2019)
    funded by the UN Food and Agriculture Organization.
  • Collaboration with the Government of Cote d’Ivoire and ComCashew/GiZ to integrate bees
    into cashew orchards (2017-2019).

Dr Aidoo's unwavering dedication to sustainable beekeeping has made a profound impact on rural communities, empowering individuals and fostering economic development. His work exemplifies a commitment to improving livelihoods and promoting environmental sustainability, contributing significantly to the achievement of sustainable development goals.

Gloria Lardi Adakurugu, also known as the 'Celebrity Teacher'

Gloria Lardi Adakurugu, also known as the "Celebrity Teacher," is the founder of GLA Foundation, a non-profit organisation dedicated to offering educational opportunities to marginalised individuals and empowering them to become catalysts for positive change. GLA’s vision is to create a world where every child has access to education and is equipped to break the cycle of poverty.

She had the opportunity to teach at all levels, including basic and senior high schools. Currently, she serves as the vice principal at one of the Technical Schools, Anyinam Applied Technology Institute. She is a self-motivated individual who is dedicated to making the world a better place for the less privileged. Her passion for advocacy, mentorship, empowerment, and assisting marginalised individuals in society began during her teaching practice at Oterkpolu in the year 2011.

During that time, she witnessed many students missing school due to a lack of necessary educational materials such as school uniforms, shoes, school bags, and stationery. Having experienced this predicament herself, she vividly understands its impact on these students' education. As a professional teacher, serving as the students' surrogate parents while they are in school, she decided to step in and provide these essential educational materials to those in need, which led to the establishment of her foundation, GLA Foundation.

Utilising her social media platforms, she shares stories and offers solutions for these students who cannot afford the necessary educational materials, often resulting in them dropping out of school. For the past 13 years, she has donated over 2000 exercise books, paid school fees for over 100 students, renewed and registered over 200 Health Insurance for both parents and students, provided start-up capital for over 50 parents, supported over 50 health care issues, donated over 1000 sanitary pads to rural communities, provided over 300 school uniforms, shoes, school bags, panties, toothbrushes, and pencils respectively.

She has also painted and renovated classrooms, and organized workshops to educate students and parents on the importance of education.

Rev. Sr. Jucinta Akua Kwakyewaa Osei

Rev. Sr. Jucinta Akua Kwakyewaa Osei, born on November 12th, 1980, in Akim Aperade, boasts a robust educational pedigree. She commenced her academic journey with Basic Education at Akim Aperade Roman Catholic Basic School, followed by her secondary education at Achiase Secondary School.

Subsequently, she pursued teacher training at O.L.A Teacher Training College, Cape Coast. Presently, Rev. Sr. Jucinta serves as an educator at St. Francis Senior High and Technical School, located in Akim Oda. Her academic achievements include a Master of Education – Administration in Higher Education, from the University of Cape Coast.

Her commitment to education and humanitarianism has garnered her numerous accolades, including the prestigious Global Education Supplies and Solution Awards in Dubai in 2023, where she was honoured as the overall winner. Additionally, she was recognised as the 1st Runner-Up for the Ghana Teacher Prize in 2021, and she earned acclaim as the 2nd National Best Teacher in 2015 and the 2nd Eastern Regional Best Teacher in 2013.

Rev. Sr. Jucinta's influence extends far beyond the confines of the classroom. She has undertaken significant initiatives such as the renovation and refurbishment of the Aperade R/C kindergarten, the donation of textbooks to multiple schools, and the establishment of a Clothing and Textiles Resource Centre.

Furthermore, she has generously provided computers and library books to various institutions, actively supporting initiatives like Girl-Child education by distributing sanitary pads and organizing awareness sessions. In addition to her educational endeavours, Rev. Sr. Jucinta engages in diverse humanitarian activities, including the donation of clothing, food items, and toiletries to correctional centres, orphanages, and underprivileged families.

She also coordinates blood donation drives and community events, which are made possible through the generous support of her family and benefactors, as her salary is allocated to her religious congregation.
Rev. Sr. Jucinta's altruistic service has left an indelible mark on millions of lives, significantly enhancing education and elevating human welfare within her community and beyond.

Andrew Agyenim Boateng

Andrew Agyenim Boateng is an accomplished professional with a solid foundation in education and community development. Presently, he holds the position of a teacher at Sumaman Senior High School in the Bono Region of Ghana, where he specialises in the Business Department. In parallel, Andrew is actively pursuing a Master of Philosophy degree in management at Akenten-Appiah Menka University of Skill Training and Entrepreneurial Development.

Andrew is not solely focused on academic endeavours; he is also deeply involved in community initiatives. In 2014, he founded the Jaman North Students Union (JANSU) at the University of Education-Winneba. Moreover, Andrew has taken the lead in initiating and overseeing the Jaman North Technology Center project in Sampa, aimed at equipping rural communities with ICT and Library facilities. This project has garnered substantial support from diverse stakeholders and is scheduled to be inaugurated in September 2024.

Andrew's vision transcends individual projects; he strives to narrow the digital gap between rural and urban areas by empowering communities to drive their development. He underscores the importance of self-help initiatives and communal collaboration to alleviate pressure on the central government and foster sustainable progress. Moreover, Andrew is deeply committed to enhancing education accessibility, offering scholarships and financial aid to support numerous students in pursuing their academic aspirations.

In summary, Andrew Agyenim Boateng is passionately committed to reshaping the discourse surrounding community development and motivating others to become catalysts for positive transformation within their society.

Rhoda Kadoa Wedam

Rhoda Kadoa Wedam is a dedicated social entrepreneur and the founder of Song-Ba Empowerment Centre, located in the Northern Region of Ghana. With a background in Community Development and Business Administration, Rhoda has emerged as a leading figure in the field of women's empowerment and menstrual hygiene education.

Raised in a family of seven, Rhoda's upbringing instilled in her a sense of responsibility and compassion
for others. Her advocacy journey began during her own experiences as a young girl facing the challenges of menstruation without access to proper sanitary products.

This firsthand experience fueled her determination to make a difference in the lives of marginalized girls in her community. Driven by a vision of a more equitable society, Rhoda established the Song-Ba Empowerment Centre at the age of 26, just two years after completing her first degree. Through this
initiative, she provides practical skills training in weaving, sewing, and shea butter production,
offering pathways to economic independence for women and girls, particularly those working as
urban porters or residing in rural areas.

Rhoda's commitment to menstrual hygiene education is equally noteworthy. Recognizing the profound
impact that menstrual health has on girls' education and overall well-being, she has distributed over
15,000 reusable sanitary pads and authored a comprehensive guide titled 'No More Suffering In
Silence', aimed at empowering girls with knowledge and resources to manage their menstruation with
dignity. Initially supported by self-funding, Rhoda's efforts have garnered recognition and support
from organisations such as Plan Ghana International and Adamfo Ghana.

Looking ahead, her ambitious goal is to establish Women Empowerment Centres across all 16 regions of Ghana, amplifying her impact and empowering women and girls nationwide. Rhoda Kadoa Wedam's
unwavering dedication to empowering women and girls, coupled with her innovative approaches to
addressing social challenges makes her a true catalyst for positive change in her community and beyond.

Samuel Nana-Bekai Djirackor

Samuel Nana-Bekai Djirackor is a young agricultural engineer who graduated from Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology. He is the founder and CEO of Haven of Love Children’s Foundation, a non-profit NGO dedicated to enhancing community health, sanitation, climate resilience, and socioeconomic empowerment of young females in rural areas. Through his foundation, over 100 communities, comprising approximately 20,000 children and their parents, have received various essential health services delivered to their doorsteps.

Samuel’s NGO has conducted advocacy programs resulting in over 10,000 youths and children initiating
positive changes in their schools and communities. Samuel envisions himself as a counselor and
motivational speaker, aiming to train and empower Ghana’s youth to excel in both the public and private sectors with integrity and a commitment to positive transformation.

The projects undertaken by Samuel’s foundation have been primarily funded through crowdfunding
from friends and family, supplemented occasionally by support from organizations such as Christian Service International and Otumfuo’s Foundation.

Over the past 6 years, these projects have significantly impacted the lives of residents in Bawku West, Garu, Binduri, and Tempani districts of the Upper East region of Ghana. Notable projects include: providing medical screenings, treatments, and education, conducting eye surgeries, registering teenage mothers for skill training, assisting with prosthetic limbs and tricycles, organising STEM programs.

He is also into renewing health insurance, distributing hygiene essentials and school uniforms,
establishing environmental clubs, drilling boreholes, conducting disability screenings, offering health
education at hospitals, providing wheelchairs, hosting book camps and Christmas programs,
organising community durbars and interactive forums, and conducting sensitization talks on health and agriculture-related issues.

Nicholas Cofie

Nicholas Cofie, is a banker and auditor by profession and the founder MyHelp-YourHelp Foundation, viewing it as a ministry bestowed upon him by divine calling. Established in 2018, the foundation has extended its reach to over 10,000 lives nationwide. Its initiatives include free health screenings in communities, feeding programs for street children in Accra, donations to orphanages and widows, as well as community-based projects such as borehole construction and classroom block renovation.

MyHelp-YourHelp Foundation, a non-governmental organization (NGO), is committed to empowering
vulnerable communities, particularly orphans, widows, and the impoverished, in breaking the cycle of poverty and enhancing their quality of life. Focused on education, healthcare, economic empowerment, and human rights advocacy, the foundation strives to foster sustainable and supportive communities where basic needs are met and opportunities for growth are accessible to all.

Vision: To establish a sustainable and supportive community where individuals have access to fundamental needs and avenues for advancement.


  • Provision of education and skills training for orphans and vulnerable children
  • Empowerment of widows and single mothers through economic empowerment programs
  • Support for healthcare initiatives targeting vulnerable communities
  • Advocacy for human rights and the protection of trafficked children and women
    Programs and Projects:
  • Scholarship programs for orphans and vulnerable children
  • Vocational training and entrepreneurship support for widows and single mothers
  • Healthcare outreach programs and medical assistance
  • Advocacy campaigns and awareness initiatives for human rights
Joel Duah Afi

Joel Duah Afi, a 2019 Mandela Washington Fellow, serves as the Medical Superintendent of Asunafo South District Hospital in Kukuom, Ghana, overseeing both administrative and clinical operations. With a team of 250 health professionals, he provides essential medical and surgical services.

Additionally, he co-founded the Abusua Community Medical Center, focusing on delivering healthcare to underprivileged communities through mobile health and telemedicine services.

Passionate about community development, Joel's efforts have been recognised through grants and awards, driving his commitment to improving healthcare access for all.

Project Summary and Impact:

Joel Duah Afi's initiatives have significantly impacted healthcare access and outcomes in Ghana:

  • Reduced Maternal and Neonatal Mortality: Joel's efforts in safe deliveries and prompt medical
    interventions have led to a reduction in maternal and neonatal deaths. The hospital conducts an
    average of 65 deliveries monthly, with about 20 caesarean deliveries, positively impacting
    maternal and neonatal health.
  • Non-Communicable Disease Prevention: Screening programs for diseases like hypertension
    and diabetes have been implemented, benefiting over 6,000 community members. Specialized
    clinics offer long-term care, enhancing overall health outcomes.
  • Public Health Interventions: Joel coordinates programs such as the Antiretroviral Therapy
    clinic and tuberculosis screening, contributing to disease prevention and management. During
    the COVID-19 pandemic, he led effective case management and vaccination efforts.
  • Maternal and Child Health Services Enhancement: Innovative technologies, including a
    WhatsApp platform for tracking pregnant women have improved maternal and neonatal care.
    This has led to safer deliveries and improved neonatal outcomes.
  • Healthcare Infrastructure Development: Joel's fundraising efforts have supported projects like
    a 20-bed children's ward and ongoing maternity block construction, enhancing healthcare
    infrastructure and service delivery.
  • Mobile Health and Telehealth Initiatives: The Abusua Community Medical Center's outreach
    activities reach 500 community members monthly, providing basic healthcare, screenings, and
  • Community Support: Joel's initiatives include National Health Insurance registration for 2,600
    people, borehole projects benefiting 7,500 community members, and school supply donations
    benefiting 300 children.
  • Free Surgical Outreaches: Collaborations with NGOs have facilitated free surgical services,
    impacting over 2,700 individuals, demonstrating Joel's commitment to community health and
Joseph Maudjorm

Joseph Maudjorm is a hydrogeologist, WASH specialist, and sustainability professional who has dedicated himself to enhancing access to safe water and promoting self-sufficiency in underserved communities, with a particular focus on the Upper Manya Krobo District. Through his initiatives, he has positively impacted the lives of over 2000 individuals.

Joseph's work centres on establishing and maintaining small water systems to ensure reliable access to safe water for community members. He oversees the development of water infrastructure vital to countless families through strategic planning and hands-on implementation. Not only that. He prioritises community empowerment through education and training.

Joseph personally trains over 10 individuals in borehole maintenance and basic plumbing skills, equipping them with knowledge and tools to become self-employed entrepreneurs. This initiative not only fosters economic independence but also enhances water system sustainability by fostering local expertise.
Joseph’s efforts stimulate the local economy, particularly benefiting women entrepreneurs.

With over 20 women indirectly benefiting from water sales at standpipes and utilising water for their food businesses, his work significantly contributes to economic empowerment and community resilience.

Apart from his practical initiatives, Joseph actively advocates for and mobilizes resources. Through proactive fundraising efforts, he successfully secures funding to repair over 10 dysfunctional boreholes in the district, revitalising essential water sources and ensuring continued access to safe water for communities. He also ensures the implementation of systems for sustainable resource management within communities.

Driven by a deep sense of purpose and a commitment to sustainable development, Joseph aims to leverage his expertise and passion to create positive change in water-stressed communities and advance SDG 6. He believes that together, we can create a future where clean water is not a privilege but a fundamental human right for all, and if it must be done, it must be done sustainably.

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