Vice President and 2024 flagbearer of the New Patriotic Party, Dr Mahamudu Bawumia, has eulogised the late Deputy Finance Minister, Dr John Ampontuah Kumah.

Speaking at his burial service on Saturday, May 18 at Ejisu in the Ashanti Region, Dr Bawumia highlighted Dr Kumah's selflessness and kind heart.

Dr Bawumia expressed the nation's devastation at the news of Dr Kumah's passing, noting the shock and sorrow felt across the country at the loss of such a dedicated and passionate politician.

"He was renowned for his selflessness, intellectual brilliance, and warm personality, a man blessed with a good heart. His departure has left a void, and this grief is beyond consolation. Nature has dealt us a cruel blow, taking John away in his prime," he said.

Reflecting on Dr Kumah's contributions, Dr Bawumia remarked on his remarkable legacy and achievements despite his short life.

“Indeed, we have lost a dedicated public servant. I have lost a friend and a strong supporter. We appeal and pray to the good Lord to keep John in his bosom,” he added.

The Vice President acknowledged the collective mourning and shock among Ghanaians but found solace in Mr Kumah's enduring legacy.

He praised Dr Kumah's political journey, which went beyond a mere career, describing him as an astute legislator and principled politician.

“His journey in Ghanaian politics transcended mere career. He was an astute legislator and a principled politician, whose dedication to advocacy and profound empathy for citizens, particularly his constituents, made him a beacon of hope and a man of the people,” Dr Bawumia said. 

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