Okaishie Market

A recent investigation has revealed that food vendors at Abeka Market are not following the Food and Drugs Authority’s (FDA) directive to get a street food vendor permit.

This comes after the Food and Drugs Authority (FDA) advised the public to desist from patronising food from vendors who do not have street vendor permits.

According to the Deputy Chief Executive Officer of the FDA Roderick Daddey–Adjei, vendors are issued licenses to sell on the street; therefore, if the vendors do not have one to show, it is unsafe to buy from them.

During the investigation by Accra-based Channel One, most vendors at Abeka Market admitted they did not have the permit.

A food vendor stated that she did not know about the requirement.

“I don’t have one. I am not sure what you are talking about. I didn’t know I needed to get one so if you have one to give me, I would be glad,” she said.

Another vendor who sells waakye at the Abeka Market also said “I have been engaging AMA on that. For the FDA permit, I do not have one. But my place is clean. So I don’t think it is a big issue”.

Some customers stated they don't check for permits before buying food because they trust the vendors to keep their stalls clean and serve safe food.

“I have been eating here for years. I don’t have time to check the permit because I don’t care. The food is good and I know the place is clean.”

“I believe they have the permit. I have been a regular customer for 27 years,” another said.

The Municipal Environmental Health Officer at the Okaikwei North Municipal Assembly, Boniface Ashalley, revealed to Channel One about his efforts to educate vendors about food safety and make sure they follow the FDA’s rules through teaching and checking.

“We have our staff who do one-on-one education. We have been doing screening for them to get the health permit. We are aware of some of these issues but we have been embarking on sensitization to get them informed. We also go around to monitor their place of work if it is clean and safe for people to buy from them” he stated.

“We are all doing the same work so when there is the need to assist or let the food vendors know that apart from the health permit, it is mandatory for them to get the street food vendor permit, we do” he added.

Mr Daddey-Adjei explained that vendors must visibly show the permit, which has a QR code, at their stalls or selling spots.

“It is not possible for the vendors to have the sticker and claim it is at home. It has a QR code and it is a sticker which has to be pasted on their shop or wherever they are selling from. To see the one who has complied fully is the one with the health permit and also the street food vendor permit”.

 “The FDA has even taken the extra step to even educate people who are supposed to come themselves. Many people conveniently seem not to hear what they should hear. We have done it in different languages and so we now even go on the field to do the education there”.

Additionally, he stated that it is a crime to operate without this permit, and people caught without it will be punished.

“If you are seen operating without having a health card and the street food vendor permit, you are committing a crime and you will be sanctioned”.

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