Daasebre’s father, Mr Kwabena Gyura has said he knew all along that his son would be freed. Mr. Gwira told Joy News that he believed in his son’s innocence in the drug charges preferred against him on his arrest in June last year. On Friday when news of Daasebre Gyamena's release got to him, he could hardly contain his excitement. He said knew his son’s character and believed he was innocent. Besides, he also had a lot of faith in God and knew Daasebre would be freed. Mr Gwira declined to name persons who had been linked to his son’s arrest but served notice he would spill the beans when his son returned. News of the not guilty verdict was greeted with joy in Ghana as his arrest itself came as a shock to many. An obviously elated wife of Big Ben, Daasebre’s producer thanked Ghanaians and radio presenters for their support during the trial. She said there were still lots of work to be done on Daasebre's return home. Daasebre Gyamena was arrested in London a year ago, whilst he was on his way to Germany to finish working on his last album titled “A Friend In Need.” He was picked up on suspicion of importing cocaine into the United Kingdom. Daasebre’s maiden court appearance was via video link and was reported to have lasted for about six minutes. He pleaded not guilty all along. Daasebre was expected to return to police custody to complete his discharge processes and immigration documents and could be back home sometime next week. Back home in Ghana, news about his discharge was received with joy as people from all walks of life, including children responded to the news with ecstasy. Daasebre’s former producer, Mark Okraku-Mantey told Joy News his release was good news for the music industry. “I think it is good for us as an industry because his arrest and prosecution sent bad signals to us back home. We are all happy and we would all jubilate,” he said. Hiplife Artiste, Lord Kenya who featured on Daasebre’s first album, “Kokooko” said the news of his release was welcomed considering the controversy which clouded his trial. “It’s good news. The whole thing was getting confused. Now that the court has freed him I am more than happy,” he said.

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