The House of Miracle Ministries Worldwide, under the leadership of Prophet Sampson Amoateng, celebrated its annual Family and Friends Gift Day with a powerful message centered on love, generosity and activating once power to receive.

The event, held at the HOM auditorium, saw an outpouring of kindness as members, visitors, and Persons Living With Disability received over 400 bags of rice, cooking oil, while some men received suits from Prophet Sampson Amoateng.

In his sermon, the Prophet emphasized the importance of loving one another and extending kindness to the less fortunate. He reminded the church that true giving goes beyond what one can receive in return. "Love one another, give to the poor and needy and not only to those who can give back to you," Prophet Amoateng admonished, reflecting the church's commitment to exemplifying the teachings of Christ.

Explaining the prophetic significance of the service to JoyNews, Prophet Amoateng referenced Matthew 2:11 “On coming to the house, they saw the child with his mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped him. Then they opened their treasures and presented him with gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh.”

He said some Christians “continue to give, give, give, without receiving. The level of their giving does not match the receiving. It is okay to receive as a Christians. Jesus even as a baby received”.

On why giving at House Of Miracle Ministries has always included those described as vulnerable in society, Prophet Amoateng, touched on how the Bible teaches extensively about the virtue of giving; while quoting Acts 20:35, Prophet Amoateng reminded the congregation of the words of Jesus: "It is more blessed to give than to receive." He also cited Proverbs 19:17, which states, "Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will reward them for what they have done."

"Let love lead," he declared, urging all to follow the example of Jesus Christ, who taught that giving should be done without expecting anything in return.

The Family and Friends Gift Day is an annual tradition at House of Miracle Ministries, where members come together to celebrate their faith and extend their love to the broader community.

As House of Miracle Ministries continues to grow under Prophet Sampson Amoateng’s leadership, the church remains committed to its mission of spreading love, hope, and support to all, especially the less fortunate.

Prophet Amoateng’s call to "Let love lead" serves as a timely reminder for everyone to practice love and generosity in their daily lives, following the example set by Christ himself. You are too needed to be wasted.

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