The Head of the Running Mate’s Campaign for the National Democratic Congress (NDC), Alex Segbefia, has confidently stated that the party’s flagbearer, John Mahama, will win the December polls.

Mr Segbefia highlighted Mahama’s superior track record compared to President Akufo-Addo and Vice President Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia.

In an interview with Citi FM on Thursday, June 20, the former Health Minister insisted the NDC's focus on ensuring Mr Mahama's victory in the forthcoming elections. 

He underscored the party's commitment to a robust campaign strategy aimed at securing a decisive win for Mahama.

Mr Segbefia expressed unwavering confidence in Mahama's chances, asserting that he has no doubt Mahama will form the next government. 

He believes that Mahama’s leadership will restore hope to Ghanaians and address the challenges the country faces.

According to Mr Segbefia, the former president's previous achievements and vision for the future set him apart from the current administration, making him the ideal candidate to lead Ghana forward. 

This, he added that the NDC remains dedicated to communicating this message to the electorate as they head into the December polls.

“…We have a case because there is a direct comparison now. We have a flagbearer who has been president before, and has been Vice President before, You can compare his record as Vice President with the record of the current Vice President. You can compare his record as president with the current president.”

“He wins hands down. Take all the macroeconomic indicators, tell me in the last seven years add Kufuor’s years which hospital has ever been built by the NPP to write home about…Not just health infrastructure. We’ve done well in almost every structure or every portfolio that exists under this current government,” he stated.

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