The Principal Architect at Archxenus Company, Nana Akua Birmeh, has addressed the prevalence of unfinished buildings and offered advice on how to avoid this pitfall.

Speaking ahead of the JoyNews Habitat Fair, Madam Birmeh highlighted the significance of designing homes that can be constructed in phases.

She explained that modern architectural practices offer innovative ways to design houses that allow for gradual additions as financial resources become available.

“There is 'starting a construction' and there is 'completing a construction' which tend to be a challenge for a lot of people and that is why you see many uncompleted structures because people started with the intention of building their dream home and possibly weren’t able to complete it.

“These days we have brilliant ways of designing houses so that you can add on as your pocket grows so that you have a decent and dignified accommodation at every point in time,” she said on Joy FM’s Super Morning Show on Thursday.

The principal architect urged prospective homeowners to begin with a small, manageable project that can be completed and lived in comfortably.

“The important thing is for you to start what you can finish. So, start small. Start with a building you can complete so that you can live comfortably and in a dignified manner," she advised.

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