Agribusiness | National

Ghana poultry Festival 2024 to focus on Agritourism

The 2024 edition of the Ghana Poultry Festival slated for July 1st at the forecourt of the State House will mainly focus on agricultural tourism and its related areas.

It is aimed at bridging the gap between tourism and agric to unravel business opportunities in both agriculture and tourism.

This was announced in Accra by the Founder and Executive Director of Agrihouse Foundation, Alberta Akyaa Akosa.

The programme, which is in its 4th year is an initiative championed by the agricultural advocacy organisation Agrihouse Foundation in partnership with World Initiative for SOY in Human Health (WISHH), Ghana Tourism Authority, Ghana National Egg Campaign Secretariat and the Ghana National Association of Poultry Farmers.

This year’s event will be celebrated under the theme “Celebrating Diversity in Poultry: Roast, Taste, and Nourish the Nation”. The Ghana Poultry Festival will also foster diversity within the poultry industry, embracing the rich flavours, benefits, and breeds that contribute to nourishing the nation.

In a press statement, the Executive Director of Agrihouse Foundation, Alberta Nana Akyaa Akosa said, the 4th Ghana Poultry Day is dedicated to celebrating the diversity of poultry and its invaluable contributions to our nation’s well-being. “Through this event, we aim to showcase the culinary delights of poultry products, promote local sourcing, and further elevate the profile of Ghana’s poultry industry”.

‘’With each passing year, the Ghana Poultry Day grows in significance, serving as a catalyst for positive change within the poultry industry, and we are proud to continue our mission of promoting growth, health, and sustainability in the poultry sector. We look forward to welcoming stakeholders from across the industry to join us in this important endeavour."

For the past 3 years, the Ghana Poultry Day has stood as the premier platform for stakeholders across the poultry industry to convene, collaborate, and strategise for the advancement of the sector.

This year, the event is expected to champion an advocacy drive, encouraging individuals to patronise made in Ghana poultry and invest in Ghana’s thriving poultry industry.

The event will have a line up of activities aimed at highlighting the diverse array of opportunities available within the poultry value chain.

Key highlights of the event include Personality-Advocate Chef Cooking Activity: The Cooking competition will see MPs, footballers, former athletes, media personalities, CEOs, Queen Mothers and schools showcasing their culinary talents by preparing various recipes with poultry products.

Town Hall Discussion: Industry players and actors within the poultry value chain will deliberate on challenges and opportunities for bolstering the sector’s growth. Experienced poultry farmers and key award winners will also share innovative ideas, challenges, and practical methods for promoting the sector’s growth.

There will be a market linkage platform for poultry farmers, poultry equipment companies, processors, feed companies, development partners, input companies, government agencies, banks, tertiary schools, and research institutions to showcase products and services.

Agrihouse Foundation invites the public including students and stakeholders in the poultry value chain to join them in championing poultry excellence in Ghana.

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