The General Secretary of the Convention People's Party (CPP), Nana Yaa Jantuah, has called for the establishment of a national economic development plan to guide political parties in their governance strategies.

Speaking on JoyNews’ PM Express on Wednesday, Madam Jantuah said the current practice of political parties issuing manifestoes has impeded the growth of the country.

According to her, many of these manifestoes often remain unimplemented, “gathering dust on shelves.”

She therefore emphasised the need for a comprehensive economic development plan that would serve as a roadmap for political parties, ensuring a more focused and sustainable approach to governance.

“If we have an economic development plan that everybody knows about, then parties will work from it. Because for these manifestoes I don’t think the people who write them even open them when they come into power.

“So I believe in a national economic development plan and that will be the one that we [politicians] will all work with. So when you are voted into power, we all know that you will work up to page three and you have to make sure that you have finished 1, 2, 3. Then the next government will also continue,” she said on Wednesday.

She highlighted the tendency of governments to prioritise development projects based on immediate needs, political considerations, and public popularity, deviating from the promises outlined in their manifestoes.

Madam Jantuah argued that a national economic development plan, stipulated in the constitution, would provide a structured framework for governance.

"We must also have an economic evaluation committee that will evaluate these governments as they implement the economic development plan," she added, stressing the importance of accountability and continuous assessment.

She called for a shift in focus from the traditional four-year ritual of crafting manifestoes to a more serious and sustainable approach.

She emphasised the need to address the real challenges faced by communities, citing examples such as inadequate housing, poor infrastructure, and substandard educational facilities.

"The real manifesto is when you’re going to Tamale and you see all these mud houses we have in Ghana and all the bad roads, the bad health facilities, and the bad educational institutions where young boys and girls are learning under trees," she remarked.

The CPP General Secretary then urged a collective commitment to a national economic development plan, emphasizing its importance in harnessing Ghana's resources for the benefit of its citizens.

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