We are at a tipping point. Galamsey is ravaging our country, poisoning our water, air, forests and communities.

Galamsey has become a critical issue that threatens the very foundation of our nation. Galamsey is not just an environmental issue, it is a national security concern that demands the attention of all, especially duty bearers in whose care the present and the future of the nation is entrusted. It is time for collective action on Galamsey in Ghana.

JoyNews Impact Makers are individuals who are making a positive impact in their communities across Ghana.

They are passionate in addressing issues of Health, Education and ICT, Girl Child issues, Social Welfare, Water Sanitation and Hygiene.

The JoyNews Impact Makers Network is a network of men and women who have distinguished themselves through impact works across the country.

They are heroes and heroines who have become a model of hope and inspiration in the Ghanaian Community. The Network consists of Impact Makers who were selected out of hundreds nominations by JoyNews in 2023/2024 in Ghana.

We stand to propose a collaborative initiative to address the devastating effects of galamsey on our environment, health and the economy.

Galamsey (illegal mining) in Ghana poses significant threats to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly:

  1. SDG 6: Clear Water and Sanitation – Water pollution from galamsey affects human health and aquatic life.
  2. SDG 2: Responsible Consumption and Production – Galamsey promotes unsustainable mining practices, harming the environment.
  3. SDG 13: Climate Action – Deforestation and land degradation from galamsey contribute to climate change
  4. SDG 15: Life on Land – Galamsey leads to loss of biodiversity, soil erosion, and ecological damage.

The JOYNEWS IMPACT MAKERS are demanding the following interventions in order to remedy the situation as a matter of urgency

  1. Immediate government action to enforce laws and regulations.
  2. Advocate for policy changes and enforcement.
  3. Sustainable mining practices that prioritize environmental protection.
  4. Health support for communities affected by galamsey-related illnesses.
  5. Environmental remediation and rehabilitation of degraded lands.
  6. Alternate livelihoods for communities affected by galamsey.

We call on the government, the media, traditional leaders, religious leaders and all civil society to join forces to address this national crisis.

This is a sacred duty and we must play our roles as citizens in order to preserve the present and the future generation.

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DISCLAIMER: The Views, Comments, Opinions, Contributions and Statements made by Readers and Contributors on this platform do not necessarily represent the views or policy of Multimedia Group Limited.