Ghana’s first female career ambassador, Agnes Aggrey-Orleans, says the High Court has determined that Freemasonry is not a religious organisation but rather a friendly society.

Delivering the keynote lecture at the 2024 Festival of Institutional Lodges, she referenced a landmark 1999 legal case to support her statement that "Lodges are Friendly and not Religious Societies."

In her lecture titled "Freemasonry and Religion: Dispelling the Myths, Distilling the Truth," Mrs Aggrey-Orleans recounted, "Worshipful Festival Master, Ladies and Gentlemen, it would be recalled that in December 1999, six Freemasons of the Royal Arch Chapter of Ghana (Irish Constitution) filed a writ at an Accra High Court against the Presbyterian Church of Ghana.

"The case sought to compel the Church to withdraw from circulation a report concerning the Lodge."

The Presbyterian Church had decided to ban paid agents, elders, and all members of the Church from being members of Lodges and other secret societies, demanding that current members withdraw from these groups.

The High Court ruling in favour of the Freemasons affirmed the critical point that "Lodges are Friendly and not Religious Societies, and that they have neither dogma nor theology and do not preach salvation."

She also revealed that an appeal by the Presbyterian Church to a higher court failed, solidifying the Freemasons' victory.

"An appeal to a higher court by the Presbyterian Church against the High Court’s decision fell flat," she stated.

Mrs. Aggrey-Orleans then argued that it appears most major orthodox Christian Churches, except the Anglican Church, have initiated a campaign against Freemasons, accusing them of engaging in non-Christian satanic rituals despite the organisation’s self-identification as a benevolent society rather than a religion.

She added that smaller churches have joined this crusade, pointing fingers at Freemasons' Lodges.

She urged Freemasons to be innovative in their response to these accusations.

The Festival, organized by the District Grand Lodge of Ghana, English Constitution, was attended by notable Freemasons and dignitaries, including Omanhen of Oguaa traditional area, Osaberima Kwesi Atta II, reflecting on the importance of understanding and cooperation between different societal groups.

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