
Former security officer arrested for fraud

A former security officer of the British High Commission, Mr Owusu Boakye-Yiadom has been arrested for allegedly selling United Kingdom visa application forms. He was arrested within the premises of the Visa Facilitating Section at Labone when some officials from the Criminal Investigations Department of the Ghana Police Service posed as would-be travelers and bought at 40,000 cedis each the forms which are given free to all applicants. Mr Boakye Yiadom, currently on remand pending further investigations is being held for defrauding by false pretences. The Head of the Commercial Crime Unit of the Ghana Police Service, Assistant Commissioner of Police (ACP) K.K Amoah said that about 2.30 pm on Tuesday, May 29, 2007, the police were alerted that UK visa forms were being sold to applicants at 10,000 cedis each. He said the CID officials were detailed to the scene to pose as visa applicants in search of visa forms and Boakye Yiadom readily made some available at 40,000 each. According to ACP Amoah, the CID officials bought two of the forms and subsequently arrested Boakye Yiadom adding that the suspect had worked for the commission for 12 years and therefore could not deny that the forms were not for sale. It was also revealed that the suspect had more forms on him when searched. ACP Amoah stated that in recent times the British High Commission had reported that visa application forms were being sold to applicants by unscrupulous individuals. Source: Daily Graphic

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