
Establish disaster fund – NADMO

The Hohoe District Coordinator of National Disaster Management Organization (NADMO), Mr Ben Asimenu, has appealed to Government to establish a Disaster Fund to generate financial resources against the outbreak of disasters. He said the fund would also be used to build human capacity and procure logistics against the anticipation and outbreak of disasters in the country. He said the Fund similar to the Ghana Education Trust Fund (GETFund) and Road Fund would provide the needed financial resources and deepen the combat readiness of NADMO to respond to disasters with ease. Mr Asimenu who made the appeal in an interview with the GNA, said since disasters occurred without notice it was significant that adequate logistical preparations were secured for any disaster. He noted that operations of NADMO included preventive disaster management, rehabilitation, reconstruction and mitigation, non-availability of resources could thwart their efforts. Mr Asimenu said failure of the Administrator of District Assemblies Common Fund (DACF) to allocate five per cent towards contingency fund and disaster management had affected their operations. He said despite these difficulties, the Hohoe District Secretariat of NADMO undertook a teak project and supplied about 100,000 seedlings of teak to disaster volunteer groups, schools and communities for planting last year. Mr Asimenu said under the President's Special Initiative on Oil palm, about 100,000 seedlings were provided to farmer-based co-operatives with assistance from the assembly. He said NADMO was assisting Government and UNHCR to assist Togolese refugees in agriculture by equipping them with farm inputs to undertake farming. The communities are Leklebi Duga, Liati, Gbledi, Fodome Ahor, Wli and some Alavanyo areas. Source: GNA

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