The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in the Konongo Area Office in the Ashanti Region has embarked on a tree planting campaign at Drobonso in the Sekyere Afram Plains District to mark this year's World Environment Day.

The campaign, carried out jointly with Miro Forestry and Timber Products, involved EPA staff, Miro Forestry and Timber Products employees, the District Assembly, traditional leaders, and local schools within the community to foster public interest in tree planting.

In support of the global restoration efforts advocated by environmental experts and organizations to rehabilitate degraded lands, the traditional council has allocated land for large-scale plantations.

The district has already taken the lead in riparian restoration endeavours, encompassing about 50 hectares in the last two years.

The Konongo Area Head of the EPA, Dawood Abass, highlighted the urgent environmental issues facing the world, including deforestation, pollution, and biodiversity loss, which require immediate attention and action.

He expressed the EPA's optimism in nature's resilience, the strength of collective efforts, and the commitment of individuals worldwide to bring about positive change.

Mr Abass stressed the importance of community ownership of such initiatives, emphasizing that locals should actively care for the trees as direct beneficiaries.

“Parts of Ghana are facing serious challenges from desertification and drought. Desertification is a pressing issue where human activities like deforestation, overgrazing, and poor agricultural practices turn fertile land into deserts, threatening plant and animal survival,” he said.

He emphasised that droughts, worsened by climate change, pose significant threats to food security and livelihoods, adding the importance of enhancing resilience through water conservation and sustainable practices, which can help mitigate these impacts and promote sustainable development.

Mr Abass revealed that Sekyere Afram Plains is a recipient of the Ghana Landscape Restoration and Small-scale Mining Project to engage farmers in adopting sustainable agricultural practices to preserve the land's fertility.

He said that due to unsustainable farming methods, lands have suffered, resulting in poor yields and as part of the initiative; farmers receive training on proper agricultural practices, benefiting about 2,000 farmers across 18 communities.

The Group Compliance Manager at Miro Forestry and Timber Products, Ms Ernestina Osei Peprah underscored the significance of supporting endeavours aimed at enhancing livelihoods in communities within their operational areas, recognizing them as key stakeholders.

The Compliance Manager highlighted that, in addition to trees grown for harvesting and commercial purposes, about 40% of their total lease areas have been designated for conservation efforts, adding that, the commitment forms part of their broader strategy to mitigate the effects of climate change.

The traditional leaders commended the EPA and Miro for their extensive efforts in environmental conservation in Drobonso and its surrounding areas.

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