Tenants are calling for the enforcement of the Rent Act, which is expected to compel landlords to charge a maximum rent advance of six months.

Currently, most landlords demand two to three years' advance payment depending on the area before renting out their properties.

Many young individuals told JoyNews that this practice has taken a toll on their finances, as all their savings go into paying rent.

A young lady said that gathering money to pay rent, especially a two-year advance, puts unnecessary financial pressure on her.

In most instances, she is forced to take out a loan, which comes with its own burden as she would have to pay a significant amount in interest.

“For me as a young lady two years advance is not favouring us. I am saying us because as young people we are trying to make something for ourselves so we trying to gather two years advance to rent is very stressful. Everyday you have to maybe go for a loan to go and rent. Meaning you are going to pay the loan back with an interest. Meaning you are going backwards in life,” she said.

Another tenant said that when landlords charge two years' advance, they are forced to use all their life savings to pay the rent.

“If the authority can see to it that, that six months, even if they can reduce to three months and they will make sure that they enforce it for the landlord to abide by it. I think it will help we the tenants  because seriously some of us are really suffering,” he said.

Another man said it was very bad because the country was already struggling, making it very difficult to make ends meet.

This renewed call comes after former President John Mahama promised to enforce the rent act, which will compel landlords to demand the appropriate advance payment if he is voted into office.

His goal is to protect tenants from the financial strain of paying more than one year's rent in advance.

In a Facebook post on Friday, June 28, the former president expressed solidarity with the 19 million renters in Ghana, emphasising his commitment to improving housing conditions as a cornerstone of his vision for the country's future.

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