Emmanuel City Football Academy has been crowned champions of the Greater Accra Division Two League - Zone 6, after amassing the highest number of points in the zone.

The top-performing club displayed a splendid performance this season, defeating most of the teams in the zone.

Emmanuel City finished as winners with 64 points, following a 1-1 draw with last season’s winners, Validus Football Club, in the season's final fixture at Madina Zongo Astroturf.

"The club's president Emmanuel City Football Academy said, "The players were determined. They really wanted to qualify. I didn't put pressure on them," he told Max FM.

Six teams have booked a slot in the Division Two Middle League, which will determine the team that secures promotion to the 2023/24 Access Division One League from the Greater Accra Region as table toppers from their various zones.

It is expected to start in June with the precise date yet to be communicated.

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