Radio & TV

E Vibes to host highlife legend Atongo Zimba

Atongo Zimba, a musician and griot from Ghana famed for his 'No Beer in Heaven' hit song, takes his turn on E Vibes as he takes fans on a reflection of his journey to stardom.

From his exploits in Nigeria to the streets of Accra, the memories are endless.

Atongo Zimba will tell his story on E vibes on Joy News on May 25, 2024, at 8:30 am, May 26 at 10:30 am also on Joy Prime at 4:30 pm on May 25, 2024.

His first album Allah Mongode was recorded in Switzerland in 1994. His album Barefoot in the Sand was nominated "African CD of the Year" in 2007 by Amsterdam television. His tours in Europe, South America and Africa include a benefit for the 2010 Haiti earthquake, at the Alliance Française in Accra.

The E Vibes show strives to evoke memories through the setting of the interview and their rise, the memories they made on their way to the top with the hope that their unique stories will help shape the younger generation.

E Vibes is different from your regular day-to-day interviews. This show is carefully designed to provide some quality time with selected personalities

Since taking off in November 2020, some of the biggest global icons in music, movies and the political space have been featured on the show by the exciting Becky who simply “got the Vibes”.

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DISCLAIMER: The Views, Comments, Opinions, Contributions and Statements made by Readers and Contributors on this platform do not necessarily represent the views or policy of Multimedia Group Limited.