
Drivers cautioned against accidents

William Oppong Addo, Chairman of the Odawna Branch of Ghana Private Road Transport Union (GPRTU) on Tuesday, April 3, 2007 has cautioned drivers to be careful on the road to ensure accident free Easter season this year. According to him, most accidents on the roads were due to irresponsible and careless behaviour of some drivers who caused deaths and the loss of property. Speaking on the approach of Easter, Mr Oppong said some commercial drivers did not have enough rest, let alone service their vehicles just because they wanted to maximise profit. He added that, once there was high influx of passengers they would like to make more rounds thereby plunging in accidents. He therefore advised drivers to have a thorough check on their vehicles before they embarked on any journey after having enough rest. Mr Oppong Addo advised passengers to be careful about their goods and luggage, money and mobile phones as it has been the experience that pick-pockets become active during the season, especially at lorry parks. Mr Oppong Addo appealed to the Ghana Police Service to deploy more officers at trotro stations and market places to protect passengers from the activities of robbers and to rescue victims. Source: GNA

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