
Driver pours acid on ex-lover

An Aflao Circuit Court has remanded Kofi Amedzro, 35, a driver, in prison custody for allegedly dousing his ex-girlfriend with acid causing extensive burns on her body. Amedzro, who was charged with causing unlawful harm to his girlfriend, would be brought before the court again on May 31, this year. His plea was not taken. Miss Josephine Adzokah, an Inspector of Police at Aflao told the court, presided over by Group Captain Martin Obeng-Ntim that the accused and the victim, Akos Akpalu, 23, a porter at Aflao border had been lovers for years until the accused left the town without a word to the victim. She said on April 11 this year at about 0200 hours, the victim woke up to a knock on her door and found Amedzro behind it. Miss Adzokah said the victim asked Amedzro to leave and closed the door on him. She said shortly after the accused forced the door open and poured a liquid, found out to be acid on the victim thereby scalding her body badly. Miss Adzokah said the victim was rushed to the Ketu District Hospital at Aflao, where she was receiving care.

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