
Dr Okoe Boye donates bus to LEKMA Hospital

Health Minister-designate, Dr. Bernard Okoe Boye, has donated a bus to the LEKMA Hospital in Teshie.

This contribution is intended to enhance the hospital's logistical capabilities, facilitating staff movement and transport assignments.

Speaking at the donation ceremony, the Health Minister, who is aspiring to re-enter Parliament to represent the people of Ledzokuku, expressed his commitment to improving healthcare services in the area.

"It is always a privilege to support the Lekma Hospital, this time with a bus. This vehicle is meant to support staff movement and transport assignments for the hospital," he stated.

Dr. Okoe Boye has demonstrated a long-standing commitment to LEKMA Hospital and has supported the facility in many ways, including providing pro bono consultations even while he served as a member of parliament from 2016 to 2020.

He seized the opportunity to emphasize his dedication to public service and the improvement of the health sector.

"As I mentioned earlier, I am in this leadership business to make the world a better place. Which sector is better positioned for my attention than my own health sector? Together we shall build the Ghana we desire."

The donation is part of Dr. Okoe Boye's broader efforts to uplift healthcare facilities and ensure that medical professionals have the necessary resources to perform their duties effectively.

Community members and hospital staff have welcomed this initiative, recognizing it as a positive step towards improving healthcare delivery in Ledzokuku.

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