A group of Ghanaian workers in Qatar who said they faced unpleasant working conditions on Wednesday morning presented a petition to their employers over demands for the payment of monies due them. The workers were scheduled to meet with their employers, Al-Jabaar in Qatar on Thursday. They said they were also expecting a full refund of monies they paid to Rahman Consultancy in Accra ahead of their departure to Qatar. Rahman Consultancy, with official state backing facilitated the workers’ trip and reportedly took two thousand United States dollars from artisans and one thousand five hundred dollars from labourers to secure the jobs for them in Qatar. One of the spokespersons for the over 200 Ghanaian workers, Akwasi Dakyi on Wednesday told Joy News about the contents of the petition to their employers. He said they are asking Rahman to refund 1500 dollars each paid before making the trip because all promises that they were to make the money in a short while have turned out to be false. He said given the present emolument levels for all categories of workers and cost of living which he said was high, it would take a worker about a century to make any savings. Again the group wants their employers to commit to prearranged emoluments before they were flown out of Ghana before they would agree to continue to work, failing which they would press to be returned home. This includes 550 dollars per month for labourers, 1100 dollars for artisans and 2500 for engineers. Rahman Consultancy is set to issue a statement on the claims being made by the stranded workers. Meanwhile a returnee, Hamidu Mohammed who claims to have returned from Qatar after falling sick while working as a labourer has disputed the claims being made by the over 200 Ghanaian workers. Hamidu who says he returned from Qatar to seek medical attention says his colleagues there were up in arms against their employers only because of the delay in the payment of their monies. He told Joy News that the group members were raising the alarm only because their salaries had delayed but would keep quiet as soon as they were settled.

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