A Deputy Finance Minister, Dr Alex Ampabeng, who is also the NPP Parliamentary Candidate for the Juaboso Constituency on the Western North Region has engaged the Roads and Highways Minister, Francis Asenso-Boakye, and the CEO of the Ghana Highways Authority, Ing. Collins Donkor.

The discussions focused on addressing key road infrastructure projects in the Juaboso Constituency.

The meeting covered critical roads including Juaboso town roads, Boinzan to Juaboso Nkwanta road and Benchema Barrier to Juaboso Nkwanta road.

Dr Ampabeng is optimistic that his interaction will lead to the construction and maintenance of the aforementioned roads to facilitate smooth and safer travel for residents.

He highlighted the importance of these projects for the socio-economic development of the Juaboso constituency.

Minister Asenso-Boakye and CEO Ing. Donkor reiterated their commitment to expediting the necessary works to enhance road infrastructure in the region.

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