The Deputy Trade and Industry Minister, Nana Dokua Asiamah-Adjei, has criticised assumptions that Freemasons engage in nefarious activities.

The Akuapem North MP said tagging such persons with activities such as "carrying pots, drinking blood, and eating human flesh," stems from ignorance.

"How can you assume gentlemen of good standing well dressed up in their suits, 'carry pots, drink blood, and eat human flesh'?" she questioned.

She highlighted these perceptions as unfair and baseless accusations often levelled against Freemasons.

The MP in a Facebook post challenged the notion that the inability to participate in Freemason proceedings equates to evil, drawing a parallel with church leadership meetings that outsiders cannot join.

"Are we able to join any church leadership meeting? No, because we are not part of that group, does it make them evil or occultists too?" she argued, pointing out the flawed reasoning behind demonising groups based on exclusivity.

The Deputy Minister painted a picture of refinement and sophistication associated with Freemasonry, describing banquets with "fine dining of 5-course serving, good wine, good flavorful single malt whisky," and eloquent discussions showcasing "good grammar and fantastic tenses, table etiquette."

She urged sceptics to experience these gatherings firsthand to appreciate the character and values of Freemasons, whom she praised as "Fantastic gentlemen."

In a light-hearted conclusion, Asiamah-Adjei invited dissenters to "argue with your pillow," signalling her confidence in dispelling Freemasonry myths and promoting a more informed understanding of the organization and its members.

Meanwhile, the Asantehene Otumfuo Osei Tutu II has proposed the creation of Freemason Lodges tailored for women in Ghana.

He made this statement during a grand ceremony marking his 25-year tenure on the Golden Stool and in Freemasonry.

Read more: Asantehene advocates establishment of Freemason Lodges for Women in Ghana

"This may be a great opportunity to discuss forming a grand lodge for females attached to the grand lodge of Ghana," he said referencing the successful presence of female lodges within the grand lodge structures of Liberia, akin to those in England.

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