The Pro Vice-Chancellor at the Ghana Communication Technology University (GCTU), Professor Robert Ebo Hinson, has highlighted the critical role of the creative sector in enhancing the global perception of African brands.

Contributing to the topic "Perception of African Brands," on Joy FM’s Super Morning Show, Professor Hinson noted the significant impact that creative industries can have in promoting both continental and national brands.

Drawing on historical examples, he noted, “The creative sector has tremendous potential for pushing brand Africa and country brands. I mean look at P-Square from 15 years ago, they were probably the biggest music exports from Africa.”

Professor Hinson elaborated on the necessity for countries to strategically incorporate the creative sector into their branding efforts.

He urged that special emphasis should be placed on the creative industry in reorganizing brand propositions for various countries.

“The creative sector needs special mention in terms of fashioning new pathways to make us relevant to the global audience.

The Pro Vice-Chancellor's remarks come at a time when there is a growing recognition of the importance of cultural and creative outputs in shaping perceptions and creating connections across the globe.

Professor Hinson called for a renewed focus on leveraging creativity to build stronger, more recognisable brands for African countries, suggesting that this approach could significantly enhance Africa's relevance and influence in the global marketplace.

 “I think if there is one thing the world can consume from us, it is creative artifacts,” he stressed.

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