
CPP calls for unity to save Ghana in 2024 polls

The Director of Communications for the Convention People’s Party (CPP), Sylvester Sarpong-Soprano, has called for unity among party members. 

This appeal follows his earlier statement that the party was unlikely to present a presidential candidate for the 2024 general elections due to internal conflicts.

In an interview with Citi FM, Sarpong-Soprano emphasised the importance of resolving these internal issues to position the party effectively against the National Democratic Congress (NDC) and the New Patriotic Party (NPP). 

He highlighted that without unity, the CPP would struggle to contest for power in the upcoming elections.

He stressed the necessity for the party to come together and address the internal wrangling that has been a major hindrance. 

According to him, a united front is crucial for the CPP to present a viable alternative to the current major political parties.

“For some reason, especially including the fact that we had these disruptions by these elders in our party form so-called committees that seem to interrupt our activities, we have had five court cases over the past four years, with an average length of about eight to ten months before there is a judgment."

“So that is one of the reasons why we are not moving forward as we should be moving forward. So right now…We see an opportunity for the party to unite right now."

“I am committed to telling the full truth about the CPP so that we can get support and help to revamp. I could sit here and do propaganda and say, oh, the CPP is all well and good, and that we will win the presidency. I can do that, but I must tell the truth to the Ghanaian electorate so that they know the state of the party so that they can rally for us to save Ghana.”

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