Following a comprehensive tour of various strategic locations in the Volta Region, Brigadier General Ayorogo, the Commissioner of the Customs Division of the Ghana Revenue Authority (GRA), has called upon sister security agencies to maintain and strengthen their collaboration with the Customs Division.

During his address, Brigadier General Ayorogo emphasised the importance of a united effort to enhance revenue collection and safeguard the nation's borders against smuggling and other illegal activities.

The tour, which covered key border points and customs facilities, aimed at assessing the operational effectiveness and readiness of the Customs Division in its ongoing fight against smuggling and other illicit cross-border activities.

Brigadier General Ayorogo expressed satisfaction with the progress made but underscored the need for continuous improvement through inter-agency cooperation.

"Collaboration between the Customs Division and other security agencies is not just beneficial but essential," stated Brigadier General Ayorogo. "In our efforts to boost revenue collection and secure our borders, a united front is crucial. Smuggling and illegal activities are sophisticated operations that require a coordinated response from all our security forces."

He highlighted that enhanced cooperation would lead to more effective information sharing, joint operations, and a stronger deterrent against criminal activities.

Brigadier General Ayorogo also pointed out that such collaboration is vital for adapting to the evolving tactics of smugglers and other illegal operators who continuously seek to exploit any gaps between the agencies.

The Brigadier General’s call to action was well-received by representatives from various security agencies present during the tour. They acknowledged the significant strides made in recent years through collaborative efforts and pledged their commitment to further strengthening these partnerships.

"By working together, we can ensure that our borders are secure and that the flow of revenue through legal channels is maximized," he added. "Our collective goal is to protect the economic interests of our nation while ensuring the safety and security of our people."

This renewed push for inter-agency cooperation comes at a time when Ghana is looking to bolster its economic resilience and security measures amid global economic challenges.

The Customs Division, alongside other security agencies, plays a pivotal role in this national agenda, and their collaboration is seen as a key factor in achieving these goals.

As the tour concluded, Brigadier General Ayorogo reaffirmed his commitment to supporting all initiatives that promote unity and efficiency among Ghana’s security forces.

He urged continuous dialogue, joint training exercises, and resource sharing as practical steps towards this goal.

In conclusion, the call for enhanced collaboration among security agencies is expected to lead to more robust and coordinated efforts in safeguarding Ghana’s borders, enhancing revenue collection, and combating smuggling and other illegal activities.

The commitment from all parties involved signifies a strong resolve to protect and advance the nation’s economic and security interests.

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