The vulnerabilities of persons with disabilities have become more pronounced than ever due to the adverse effects of climate change worldwide, including Ghana.

This concern was raised by Andrew Okaikoi, President of the Center for Disability, Entrepreneurship, and Public Policy (CDEPP).

Speaking at the 2024 Asian Leadership Conference in South Korea, Mr. Okaikoi, who is also the Founder of Gravitas World, noted that persons with disabilities are among the most affected by the myriad of challenges brought on by climate change.

He cited unpredictable rainfall patterns affecting major crop yields and livelihoods, prolonged droughts, floods, and outbreaks of primary diseases such as malaria and cholera, which persons with disabilities are particularly incapacitated to deal with, thereby worsening their already dire conditions.

Mr. Okaikoi made a clarion call for policymakers at both national and international levels to place persons with disabilities at the heart of any interventions addressing global challenges. He emphasized that this inclusion is essential to realize the rhetoric about ensuring absolute inclusion for every member of society.

The 2024 Asian Leadership Conference (ALC), held on May 22-23, 2024, in Seoul, brought together distinguished leaders, policymakers, and experts from across Asia and beyond. This year’s conference, themed “The Era of Hyper-Uncertainty: Innovative Leadership for the New Future,” focused on addressing urgent environmental issues and exploring sustainable solutions for the future.

The conference featured a diverse array of speakers and participants, including Andrew Okaikoi, renowned for his contributions to disability issues and policy advocacy. Other notable speakers included Mike Pompeo (former United States Secretary of State), Jacinda Ardern (former Prime Minister of New Zealand), Nikolaus von Liechtenstein (Prince of Liechtenstein), and Ryu Hong Lim (President of Seoul National University), among others. In his address on climate change, Mr. Okaikoi underscored its global nature and highlighted the importance of international cooperation in tackling this critical issue in Ghana.

According to Mr. Okaikoi, despite Ghana’s unfavorable economic circumstances, it has created a National Adaptation Strategy and Action Plan aimed at strengthening early warning systems for extreme weather conditions, encouraging climate-smart agriculture, and improving water management. Additionally, Ghana has introduced a tree-planting exercise, with about a million trees expected to be planted each year to boost the nation’s afforestation efforts.

Participants at the conference engaged in a series of panel discussions, workshops, and delivered speeches, all aimed at fostering dialogue and collaboration. Mr. Okaikoi emphasized that “climate change is a global challenge that requires a global response. By coming together at forums like the ALC, we can share knowledge, devise innovative solutions, and commit to actionable steps that will benefit not only Asia but the entire world.”

The 2024 ALC is expected to yield significant insights and proposals that will influence policy decisions and environmental strategies worldwide. Further collaborative efforts are anticipated, aiming to pave the way for a sustainable and resilient future.

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