Leaders of the church join hands to launch the crusade Photo David Andoh

Ghana’s largest charismatic ministry, the Church of Pentecost, through its Evangelism Ministry, launched its latest crusade on Sunday during a special church service in Accra.

Dubbed the “Greater Accra Unleashed Crusade,” the four-day evangelical revival will take place at Independence Square from August 20 to 24 and aims to win 10,000 souls.

To ensure the church meets its overall target, approximately 8,000 members, officers, and pastors have been trained to participate in mass evangelism activities.

Under the theme “Be Reconciled to Him,” the program is designed to reach every corner of the Greater Accra Region.

The planning committee has established sub-committees and outlined daily programs, including house-to-house visits, street evangelism, dawn broadcasts, and preaching at hospitals, lorry stations, prisons, markets, and information centres.

Cinema vans will be assigned to selected groups for film evangelism, particularly in communities where new local assemblies can be established.

The church’s social media platforms will also be extensively utilized to reach a wider audience.

Additionally, on-the-spot arrangements will be made to baptize as many people as possible each day.

On Saturday, August 18, 2024, the Youth and Sports Committees will organize a football gala at La, expected to draw large crowds, who will then share the word of God.

In his opening remarks, the Director of Evangelism, Apostle Dr. Amos Jimmy Markin, stated that the upcoming crusade is a follow-up to similar events the church has held across the country. He also announced that the next crusade will take place in Togo next month.

Regarding the 10,000-soul target, Apostle Markin expressed confidence in the church’s effective evangelism strategy. He invited the general public to participate in the crusade, emphasizing its aim to help people truly reconcile with God.

The program was officially launched by the La Area Head of the church, Apostle Dr. Dieudonne K. Nuekpe.

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