The Asetenapa Co-operative Cocoa Farming and Marketing Society Limited organised a health walk and durbar to mark this year's World Day Against Child Labour in Nankese, Suhum.

The event included a call for chocolate companies to honour their sustainability commitments in the cocoa sector.

The commemoration brought together farmers, pupils, regulators, opinion leaders, and NGOs working within Ghana's cocoa value chain.

Despite global efforts, around 160 million children are still engaged in child labour, with Africa having the highest numbers at about 72 million.

Isaac Vifa, Manager for Asetenapa Cooperative, emphasised the urgency for chocolate companies to act on their sustainability promises.

“The time has come for chocolate companies to act on their commitments if they truly support the cocoa sustainability campaign ongoing across the continent,” he said.

Vifa highlighted Asetenapa’s efforts through Tony's Open Chain's Special Premium to provide farmers with equipment, subsidize labour, and implement the Fairtrade Africa and International Cocoa Initiative’s CIRCLE project to combat child labour.

Rianne Van Doeveren, General Manager for Tony’s Open Chain, urged farmers to maintain open communication with their children.

“Tony’s Open Chain is working our beans off to end modern slavery and child labour in your communities,” she stated, reaffirming their commitment to responsible supply chains.

Mike Arthur, Country Director for International Cocoa Initiative, spoke on their partnership with Asetenapa to address child labour and enhance child protection.

“Our focus is on ensuring a better future for children and advancing the elimination of child labour in cocoa-growing communities,” he added.

Anthony B. Kwakugah, Senior Project Officer for Fairtrade Africa, stressed the importance of farmers adhering to training to combat child labour effectively.

“We are implementing the CIRCLE project to influence duty bearers in cocoa-growing communities to provide services and safety for children,” he noted.

Christiana Tamakloe, Municipal Director for Social Welfare and Community Development, called on sector players to prioritize child labour and poverty issues.

“This is the time our children need us more. Our parenting styles and behaviours play a critical role in shaping a child's personality,” she emphasised.

Mark Ayivor, President of Asetenapa Co-operative, thanked Tony’s Open Chain and Fairtrade Africa for their support.

“I believe that the CIRCLE project will influence duty bearers in cocoa-growing communities to take up their roles in providing services and safety for children,” he stated.

Asetenapa Co-operative Cocoa Farming and Marketing Society Limited operates in 10 communities within the Suhum and Ayensuano districts in the Eastern Region of Ghana.

Their mission includes supplying certified cocoa beans, improving productivity through training, ensuring gender equality, youth empowerment, and child protection, and supporting community development.

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