Osei Kojo, a 20-year-old carpenter was on Thursday sentenced to 12 years imprisonment in hard labour by a circuit court in Cape Coast for abducting and defiling a 14 year old JSS one pupil at Mepeasem near Cape Coast. He pleaded guilty to both charges and was convicted on his own plea. The court also ordered that pregnancy and HIV/AIDS test be conducted on the victim. Prosecuting, Chief Inspector Hope Azasoo, told the court presided over by Beresford Acquah, that on February 3 this year, the victim travelled with the parents from Accra to Abura- Dunkwa for a funeral. He said while there the victim met an uncle who invited her to visit him at Mepeasem without the knowledge of her parents. Chief Inspector Azasoo said whilst at Mempeasem, the victim got lost and the convict chanced upon her. Kojo then promised to help locate her uncle, but instead, lured her to his house, where he kept her for six weeks and repeatedly abused her sexually. He said a report was made to the police who later had a tip off that the convict was keeping the girl in his house, and he was arrested. He admitted the offence in his caution statement, while the victim was issued with a medical form to attend hospital. Source: GNA

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