Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital (KATH)

Medical doctors at the Oncology Department of the Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital (KATH) have abandoned consulting rooms in protest over the delay in fixing a critical equipment needed in service delivery.

The Linear Accelerator System used for radiotherapy services has been malfunctioning since October 2023, adversely impeding the diagnosis and treatment of cancer cases.

According to management, the machine has been repaired but remains non-operational due to delayed access to a water phantom needed to calibrate the system.

But the doctors say they are frustrated by the delay in fixing the equipment.

Documents available to JoyNews show steps by the hospital management to address the concerns of the health workers, including a $109,623 Letter of Credit established by the hospital for the equipment procurement.

Management has therefore described the industrial action as unfair as the strike would affect all other patients who may not necessarily need radiotherapy.

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