The Confederation of African Football (CAF), on Wednesday, May 22, concluded a three-day regional club licensing workshop in Accra.

 The rationale behind the organisation of the workshop was to provide an update on the usage of the Club Licensing Online Platform (CLOP) for the Club Licensing procedure.

The exercise also sought to review the status of the implementation of the Club Licensing system in the Member Association’s national competitions.

During his closing remarks, the General Secretary of the Ghana Football Association, Prosper Harrison Addo, urged the participants to leverage the insights and experiences of Club Licensing Managers from across the continent to elevate their own efforts.

"Club Licensing is the single most important tool that can change the game. Here in Ghana, we've been on a journey and I'm glad that we're now at the stage where we can do this online. It's a tedious work, but when you go through it successfully, you will appreciate that it can and will change the game," he said.

"However, it is not an event! It is a process so I will urge that we pursue its implementation on a continuing basis; continuous improvement year in and year out, and together we'll build the professional game in Africa."

The workshop had previously been held in countries such as Mauritania, Algeria and Ethiopia with the final session being staged in Ghana.

Addo commended Africa's highest football governing body for giving Ghana the opportunity.

"I must thank CAF for the opportunity to host the final leg as we have the unique chance to close the entire series of workshops started weeks ago in other jurisdictions. We must thank the participants for their enthusiasm. We also thank all the organisers and instructors," he added.

The Club Licensing Online Platform (CLOP), is set to become operational in the 2024/2025 season.

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