
Business code campaign held in Kumasi

A sensitization campaign on Ghana's Business Code has been held in Kumasi, for members of the Association of Ghana Industries, AGI, in the Ashanti Region. It sought to give the AGI mambers, basic insight into the relevance and importance of integrating the Code into their corporate strategies. The Business Code is a series of prescription based on universal principles relating to human rights, labour standards, the environment and anti-corruption. Compliance with the Code is increasingly becoming requirements in supply chain management, business matchmaking, business mentoring schemes, financial, national and international procurements. The Sub-Component Manager of Improving Business Practice, Ben Oduro said the Ghana Business Code is the first ever to be formulated, to apply to all segments of the national business community. He said, continuous collaboration between stakeholders is crucial for the Business Code to become a vehicle for improved business practice for the benefit of all Ghanaians. Mr. Oduro said the Business Code will add value to businesses in terms of increasing ability to attract and retain the highest qualified employees, and increase employee motivation and loyalty and thereby productivity among others. An official of the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, Ralph Nordjo said responsible business conduct has become a critical factor, when assessing current business relations and future investments in Ghana and among global suppliers.

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