Food and Agriculture Minister, Bryan Acheampong has disputed claims that his hotel, Rock City, is incurring losses.

According to him, this claim by North Tongu Member of Parliament, Samuel Okudzeto Ablakwa, is unfounded.

“Rock City is not making losses. There is no one anywhere who can say that Rock City is making losses. I saw Okudzeto and Sammy Gyamfi in the studio exaggerating. Okudzeto was in smock exaggerating that Rock City is making losses and that he has intercepted documents from GRA.”

This follows the proposed sale of SSNIT's stake in some hotels to the Minister’s entity, which has become a subject of controversy.

Okudzeto Ablakwa in Parliament

In his argument, the North Tongu MP indicated that the hotel in the Eastern Region was unprofitable claiming he had documents to prove his claim.

Mr Ablakwa, subsequently, questioned the argument that Mr Acheampong has expertise in hotel management.

“It is not about anybody coming to save these hotels. If that person had the magic wand and was the saviour, he would have saved his hotel which is making losses. While Labadi Beach Hotel and Ridge Royal are making profits, according to the GRA filings, Rock City has made losses and continues to make losses.

“Last year [2023], Rock City made a loss, they didn’t pay any tax. This tells you that this cannot be about somebody with expertise in making profits or transforming hotels. This is just pure state capture. It is a classic state capture,” he stated.

But Mr Acheampong is calling Ablakwa's bluff insisting that "he has not intercepted any documents."

"All he [Ablakwa] is saying are lies. There is nothing truthful about what Okudzeto said concerning that matter. In the first place, Rock City has informed me, and I have checked with the GRA that they have not filed their 2023 taxes.

“So, they have not filed yet. Rock City has not even gone to GRA, their plan is to file at the end of the month. So where did he get the document from? What he is saying is fabricated and a lie."

The Minister told Media General's Nana Yaa Brefo that "Rock City has not even filed its 2023 taxes."

"It is due in June ending. So where did he get it from? Today I am daring him,” he stated.

On June 18, hundreds of demonstrators gathered at the Labadi Beach Hotel for the "Hands Off Our Hotels" demonstration.

The main objective of the protest is to exert pressure on the government to immediately halt the proposed sale of a 60 percent stake in four prominent hotels owned by the Social Security and National Insurance Trust (SSNIT) to Rock City Hotel. 

The hotels in question include the Labadi Beach Hotel, La Palm Royal Beach Resort, Elmina Beach Resort, and Busua Beach Resort.

Mr Ablakwa who organised the protest, argued that the sale of state-owned properties to government officials constitutes a clear abuse of power that should not be tolerated.

The protest garnered widespread support from various segments of society, including civil society organisations, concerned citizens, and opposition political groups, all united in their stance against what they perceive as an unethical and potentially damaging transaction.

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