A Deputy General Secretary of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), Mustapha Gbande has suggested that the Vice President, Dr Mahamudu Bawumia is a bad choice of candidate for the presidency and the governing New Patriotic Party (NPP).

According to him, if the NPP had settled on the Finance Minister, Dr Mohammed Amin or the Minister for Lands, Abu Jinapor, it would have shown more serious intent and brought fresh ideas to the table.

Speaking on JoyNews’ AM Show on June 27, he said “Bawumia is a no for the presidency. Bawumia is a no for the NPP itself. He hasn’t acquitted himself satisfactorily enough. In terms of country, we all know today, in the history of our country, the only vice president who speaks and you fact check only to know it’s a lie, is Dr Mahamudu Bawumia.”

“The only vice president, when people are dying, he cracks jokes with it, is Dr Mahamudu Bawumia. So me, I don’t see seriousness in that ticket and I don’t think that if I have to advise as a political practitioner, there is hope in Dr Mahamudu Bawumia as far as the NPP is concerned.”

Mr Gbande stated that Ghana needs a leadership that is focused on solving problems.

According to him, other capable young leaders are emerging who can solve the problems of Ghana.

“It can’t be business as usual, recycling incompetence, taking advantage of political parties and all of that. We have moved past there. Ghanaians want to live comfortably. Ghanaians want to own houses. Ghanaians want to be educated. Ghanaians want to have jobs. Ghanaians want to live long by having health care.”

“They are looking for a political party that has a team that can give them these things. And as far as I am concerned, I do not think Bawumia as a leader can get the NPP to achieve such an objective,” he said.

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