
Attack on police station condemned

The Agona Nsaba Traditional Council has condemned the attack on the Nsaba Police Station by some youth of the town in retaliation for the alleged beating of a citizen leading to his death by a policeman. Speaking to the GNA, Nana Kofi Agyekum II, apologised to the Inspector General of Police and the Minister of Interior for the unfortunate situation and pledged the support and co-operation of the Council in the efforts to help bring the perpetrators to book. Nana Agyekum who is also the head of family of the deceased stated that the Traditional Council had also accepted the apology rendered by the IGP and Central Regional Police Command to the bereaved family and expressed the hope that the cordial relations between the chiefs and the police would be maintained. On May 1, some youth of Nsaba vandalised the Police Station in retaliation of alleged brutality metered out on one Akwesi Frempong, a 40-year-old man by a Police man and two other persons after accusing him of smoking India hemp. Constable Stephen Appiah, Lawrence Kum and Fiifi Dadzie are said to have subjected Akwesi to severe beating leading to his death just after arrival at the Agona Nsaba Clinic. Nana Agyekum stated that even though a life had been lost, that was not a license for the youth to take the law into their hands to destroy property and vandalise the Police Station. Source: GNA

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