
“ASKY”: A new African airline

The shareholders of the Regional Airline Promotion Company (SPCAR), held their General Meeting to establis a new regional airline, on 17 January 2008 at AZALAI INDEPENDENCE Hotel, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. The name of this international private Airline is “ASKY”. The shareholders appointed new Directors for the Airline with Mr. Gervais K. DJONDO as chairman. He expressed delight at the emergence of the airline which he said is the fulfillment of the determination expressed several times by the Heads of State and Government and the people of the sub-region to have Africa endowed with a common privately owned air transport tool. He pointed out that this would become a “privileged tool to foster African integration”. The Chairman called on all Africans to support it whole-heartedly, and enjoined everyone to support every federating initiative that contributes to the development of Africa. He expressed delight over the agreement reached in Libreville to resolve the differences among the member States of ASECNA, the community instrument whose importance to the safety of air transport in Africa cannot be overemphasized. With the execution of all operational tasks, the activities of the airline would enter concrete phases. The corporate governance organs and the operational structures would have to be put in place as soon as possible; as well as staff recruitment, mobilization of capital, etc… The new Airline should be able to start operating its first commercial flights before the end of the first half of 2008. It is would gradually be able to operate daily flights to all sub-saharan countries. Thus, from Dakar to Addis Ababa, through Karthoum, from Abuja to Windhoek, Johannesburg, Nairobi or Harare, the new Airline would be present to boost the movement of people, business, students, youths, workers, tourists. ASKY would rely on an autonomous decentralized structural design organized around distinct networks and specializations: (intercontinental network, intra-Africa network, regional network, cargo, tourism and maintenance amongst others. The airline is endowed with a capital of USD 120 million, of which 80% is shared among private investors while 20% would be held by public financial institutions whose mission is to support privately owned developmental institutions. Such a financial structure would enable the Airline achieve its objectives with regard to quality of its services, comfort to its passengers but also safety and security of its operations. Negotiations with a technical partner have reached a very advanced stage. The outcome of these negotiations would provide the airline with the operational support it would require for its operations. ASKY would draw from the experience of other African airlines and their support so that together and with joint effort, it would be possible to strengthen and improve upon connections to our States as well as boost intra-African air transport in the interest of the people. The Chairman of ASKY expressed appreciation to the continental regional Institutions, notably, the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), the West African Economic and Monetary Union (WAEMU), representatives of the private sector, the ECOBANK Group, public authorities and all African well-wishers whose support, commitment and determination have led to the materialization of this GNA

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