The Founder and General Overseer of Royal House Chapel International, Apostle General Sam Korankye Ankrah, has acknowledged the fact that more Ghanaian women are being empowered to decision making, saying a lot more ought to be done.

The Apostle, in a message to celebrate all women on the occasion of Mother's Day, stated that Ghana has made significant progress in acknowledging and empowering women over the past two decades.

Addressing his congregation on Sunday May 12, he cited some examples of women in the bible who were influential which shows how powerful women can be.

“Biblically, we see examples of great influential women such as Deborah, who was a wife, a prophetess and judge (Judges 4 and 5); Hulda, a prophetess who counselled kings (2 kings 22:13-20); and Queen Esther, who saved the Jews from total annihilation (the book of Esther).”

According to him, Ghana has witnessed the appointment of three female Chief Justices, including the current Her Ladyship Justice Gertrude Torkornoo, and the first female Speaker of Parliament, Her Ladyship Justice Joyce Bamford-Addo, who was also the first in the West African sub-region and the current vice chancellor of the University of Ghana, Prof Nana Aba Appiah Amfo.

He also stated that Ghana had two female Electoral Commission chairpersons.

“Women are rising up in Parliament, leading churches, creating industries and excelling in other hitherto male dominated areas.”

“This is a sure sign and evidence that women are key players in every sphere of society. It was therefore gratifying when one of the leading political parties selected a woman as a running mate in the 2024 presidential elections, and I congratulate the National Democratic Congress and the presidential aspirant, the former President John Dramani Mahama for this show of honour to womanhood by their selection of Professor Jane Naana Opoku Agyemang.”

The Apostle urged all political parties to follow the example set by the National Democratic Congress (NDC) in promoting women's participation in governance.

According to him, empowering women in Ghanaian politics not only enhances the country's global image as a forward-thinking nation but also inspires young girls to break through barriers and pursue their dreams.

“While we acknowledge these achievements, we must not rest on our oars, more needs to be done to equalise the gender barometer by putting in positive systems and structures in both private and public sectors.”

He believes that affirmative action is essential in addressing systemic and cultural discrimination, both by rectifying past injustices and preventing future occurrences.

in addition, the Apostle stated that all women need to be recognized and wished all women a happy Mother’s Day.

While acknowledging the importance of celebrating Mothers' Day, the Apostle reminded the public not to overlook the struggles faced by many women experiencing abuse and degradation.

“Statistics show that violence against women remains unabated and domestic violence in particular continues to be a canker in many homes across the nation. This is most unfortunate in this generation of knowledge and enlightenment. I therefore take the opportunity to remind all men of this biblical mandate,Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for her Eph 5:25 (NKJV)”

“I counsel all men to honour the women who support them to raise their families. We must follow the biblical mandate to love our wives as Christ loved the Church, to seek peace and to cherish the dignity and honour of womanhood,” he said.

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