Health | National

AMMREN commended for efforts in malaria fight

Dr Franklyn Asiedu-Bekoe.

Dr Franklyn Asiedu-Bekoe, a key figure in Ghana's health sector, has lauded the African Media and Malaria Research Network (AMMREN) for their significant contributions to the fight against malaria.

During his welcome address at a media workshop organised by the National Malaria Elimination Program (NMEP) and the Ghana Health Service, Dr Asiedu-Bekoe highlighted the pivotal role played by AMMREN in both combating malaria and campaigning for its elimination.

The workshop, aimed at enhancing media engagement and knowledge about malaria elimination efforts, saw the convergence of health professionals, media personnel, and stakeholders from various sectors.

Dr Asiedu-Bekoe's commendation of AMMREN, led by Dr Charity Binka, underscored the importance of collaborative efforts in addressing the malaria menace in Ghana and across the African continent.

"AMMREN has been instrumental in raising awareness and driving the malaria elimination agenda forward. Their relentless advocacy and research initiatives have significantly contributed to our understanding and management of malaria," Dr Asiedu-Bekoe stated. He emphasised the critical role of the media in disseminating information and educating the public about malaria prevention and treatment.

Dr Charity Binka of AMMREN.

Dr Charity Binka, the leader of AMMREN, expressed gratitude for the recognition and reiterated the organisation's commitment to the cause. "Our mission is to ensure that the fight against malaria remains a priority on the public health agenda. We are dedicated to supporting research and providing accurate information to the public," she said.

The National Malaria Elimination Programme and the Ghana Health Service organised the workshop to equip journalists with the necessary tools and knowledge to effectively report on malaria-related issues.

The initiative aligns with Ghana's broader strategy to eliminate malaria by 2030, which includes enhanced surveillance, improved healthcare delivery, and robust community engagement.

Participants at the workshop engaged in discussions on the latest malaria research, innovative treatment methods, and the importance of continued funding and support for malaria elimination programmes. The event also served as a platform for networking and collaboration among journalists, healthcare providers, and researchers.

Dr Asiedu-Bekoe's commendation of AMMREN highlights the vital role of media and research networks in the public health sector.

As Ghana intensifies its efforts towards malaria elimination, the collaboration between media, health organisations, and the government remains crucial in achieving this ambitious goal.

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