
“Alcate Master” experimentation begins

A new cocoa pesticide named "Alcate Master” is to be experimented in the Ashanti Region through a pilot mass cocoa spraying exercise. The “Alcate Master” is a more efficient substitute for the widely used “Confidor” in combating the 'Akate and Atee' pest afflicting cocoa plantations. The National Co-ordinator of Cocoa Disease and Pest Control Project (CODEAPEC), Obeng Agyena made this known when he met executives of the Bosomtwe-Atwima-Kwanwoma District Cocoa Farmers Association and cocoa societies at Kuntanase as part of his annual tour of cocoa growing areas. He suggested the formation of task forces to educate cocoa spraying gangs on the right application of the chemicals, while monitoring their activities to ensure maximum success of the pilot scheme. Mr. Agyena said his office would ensure that the right proportion of the new chemical is used for the exercise in order not to compromise the quality of Ghana"s cocoa beans in terms of chemical residue in the beans. The District Chief Farmer, Mathew Adarkwa appealed to the Agriculture Ministry to agency to replace all broken down spraying machines and increase the number of gang members from the current 15 to 25 due to the expansion of cocoa farms in the district. He also called for a monthly remuneration for purchasing clerks to help stem corruption among them, which has largely been attributed to the yearly meagre incomes they receive.

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