A former presidential aspirant of the New Patriotic Party (NPP), Dr Arthur Kobina Kennedy, says the leader of the Alliance for Revolutionary Change (ARC), Alan Kwadwo Kyerematen, may have to adopt a more radical approach if he hopes to make the desired impact.

According to Dr Kennedy, beyond the two main flagbearers of the National Democratic Congress and the New Patriotic Party, Alan is the most recognised name among candidates from the smaller parties going into the 2024 election.

Speaking on JoyNews' AM Show, he argued that with the right campaign strategy, Alan could make a more significant impact in the 2024 elections.

“If he runs the right campaign, he could have more of an impact in 2024 than we are seeing now. It’s quite a few months since he left and I think that the movement has not moved as much as it should be moving.”

“And I also think that listening to Alan, it seems that he is too much of a member of the establishment to shake it, and occasionally he seems to lapse into giving the speeches he would have given as an NPP candidate.”

Dr Arthur noted that the key question isn't about Alan's capability but rather his willingness to embrace radical change to remain relevant.

The question is not 'can he do it'? The question is whether he has the inclination to do what he wants to do, to make him relevant. He must be radical because otherwise what’s the point of leaving the NPP?" he quizzed.

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