Police at Akyem-Tafo in the Eastern region have arrested 35 motorcycle riders and confiscated their motorbikes a day after they joined the National Democratic Congress (NDC) running mate, Prof Jane Naana Opoku-Agyemang's visit to the area.

They were apprehended on Thursday by a combined team of Police and Driver and Vehicle Licensing Authority officials from Koforidua and detained at the Tafo Police command.

Whereas the police and DVLA claim the operation targeted riders without licenses, and unregistered motorbikes among others, David Kwame Akrofi, station chairman for the Okada riders suspects the arrest was politically motivated due to its timing.

Meanwhile, the Abuakwa North Communications Officer of the NDC, Alhaji Wahab Amadu has accused the Municipal Chief Executive, Alhaji Umar Bodinga and the NPP Parliamentary Candidate, Nana Kwame Ampaw Addo Frimpong of allegedly orchestrating the arrest of the riders.

Alhaji Wahab called on regional and national NDC executives to help secure bail for the arrested riders.

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