A Senior Nutrition Officer at the Adamsu Health Centre in the Jaman South Municipality of the Bono region has described the excessive drinking of alcohol and smoking after fitness exercises as dangerous and useless. 

Elikem Adzoma said the habit endangers the lives of those who participate in the fitness exercises.

He consequently implored especially older people to stop taking alcoholic beverages, smoking and eating excessive red meat just after exercising their bodies.

He stated that although heart-related diseases could affect all ages due to their lifestyles, older people are more susceptible to stroke and other heart diseases due to their age.

Mr Adzoma expressed the concern in an interaction with JoyNews at Adamsu in the Jaman South Municipality of the Bono region.

“I have observed in recent times that many keep-fit clubs and youth groups have taken to drinking alcohol, smoking and excessive intake of red meat immediately after undertaking their weekend fitness exercises.

This habit is dangerous and detrimental to their overall well-being, so I caution people to stop if only they want to be physically fit after exercising the body,” he stressed.

The Senior Nutrition Officer called for daily exercise to keep all the organs in the body in order since exercising on Saturdays and Sundays alone cannot guarantee a healthy body.

He stressed the need for people to stay away from fatty and sugar-based foods, alcohol and cigarettes.

According to Mr Adzoma, this will help reduce the incidence of stroke, diabetes, high cholesterol and other heart diseases that are currently the leading causes of death among Ghanaians.

He advised the youth to adopt healthy eating habits and eschew certain lifestyles that could be hazardous to their health.

He added, "Eating more fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as drinking lots of water, is the way to go".

Mr Adzoma reiterated the need for every Ghanaian to cultivate the habit of exercising to reduce the incidence of heart attacks.

“You see, the human heart is like a car engine, so if any system or organ in the body does not function well, the heart gets affected,” he added.

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