In a passionate call to action, Prof Francis B. Zottor, the Director of the Africa Catalyzing Action for Nutrition (AfriCAN), has urged journalists across the continent to advocate for good nutrition to foster a healthier Africa.

He made the appeal during a recent gathering where Dr Charity Binka, a prominent partner of AfriCAN, also participated.

Addressing a diverse audience of journalists, policymakers, and health advocates at the nutrition capacity enhancement certificate awards ceremony held at the University of Health and Allied Sciences (UHAS), Prof Zottor underscored the critical role media plays in shaping public perceptions and driving policy change.

He emphasised that the media possesses unique power to amplify the importance of good nutrition and catalyze action at all levels of society.

"Journalists have the power to change narratives and influence societal norms," stated Prof Zottor. "By shining a spotlight on the urgent need for improved nutrition across Africa, journalists can drive positive change and contribute to healthier communities."

With malnutrition continuing to pose a significant threat to public health in many African countries, Prof Zottor stressed the need for bold, innovative approaches to address this complex challenge.

He called on journalists to delve deeper into the root causes of malnutrition, highlighting issues such as food insecurity, inadequate healthcare access, and cultural practices that may hinder optimal nutrition.

"Journalists must be fearless in their pursuit of truth and justice, especially when it comes to issues as fundamental as nutrition," remarked Prof Zottor. "We cannot afford to remain complacent in the face of such a pressing health crisis."

Dr Charity Binka echoed Prof Zottor's sentiments, emphasising the importance of collaboration between media organisations, civil society, and government agencies in advancing the nutrition agenda.

She emphasised the need for accurate, evidence-based reporting to counter misinformation and raise awareness about the importance of balanced diets and access to essential nutrients.

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