Africa Catalyzing Action for Nutrition (AfriCAN) has hosted a landmark Africa Day event at the Dawda Kairaba Jawara International Conference Center on the Bertil Harding Highway in The Gambia.

The event, held under the African Union's theme "Education," brought together a diverse group of stakeholders including youth, media, and nutritionists, all committed to promoting good nutrition and combating malnutrition across the continent.

The event featured keynote addresses from prominent figures in the field of nutrition.

Dr Isatou Jallow, Executive Director of AfriCAN, delivered a compelling speech highlighting the urgent need to prioritise nutrition in educational frameworks and public health policies.

Dr Jallow emphasised that good nutrition is fundamental to the overall development and well-being of individuals and communities, noting that "without proper nutrition, our educational and developmental goals cannot be fully realised."

AfriCAN Board member and esteemed nutritionist, Prof Francis Zottor, also addressed the gathering.

Prof Zottor provided an in-depth analysis of the current state of nutrition in Africa, pointing out the critical challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.

He underscored the importance of collaborative efforts in addressing malnutrition, stating, "We must all come together—governments, civil society, the private sector, and individuals—to create sustainable solutions that ensure every African has access to nutritious food."

The event included interactive sessions and workshops where participants discussed strategies to integrate nutrition education into school curriculums and community programmes.

Youth representatives shared their perspectives on the role of education in fostering healthier lifestyles and preventing malnutrition. Media professionals were also engaged in discussions on how to communicate the importance of nutrition to the broader public effectively.

One of the highlights of the day was a pledge reaffirming their dedication to promoting good nutrition and fighting malnutrition. This pledge represents a unified front in the battle against one of Africa's most pressing health issues.

AfriCAN's Africa Day event has set a precedent for future initiatives aimed at improving nutrition across the continent.

By bringing together a diverse array of stakeholders, the event underscored the collective responsibility and collaborative spirit needed to drive meaningful change.

The commitment and enthusiasm displayed at the Dawda Kairaba Jawara International Conference Center will undoubtedly propel the continent forward in its fight against malnutrition.

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