A distinguished nutritionist from the University of Ghana, Dr Gloria Folson, has said there are advantages of using Artificial Intelligence (AI) in addressing malnutrition among African youth. She said this at the Dr Isatou Jallow Hall of The Gambia Nutrition Agency (NaNA) during the commencement of Africa Day celebrations.

The event was organised by Africa Catalyzing Action for Nutrition (African), a continental body dedicated to combating malnutrition.

The initiative marks a significant step forward in leveraging technology to tackle pressing public health challenges.

Dr Gloria Folson, renowned for her expertise in nutrition science, spearheaded the development of this AI-driven approach.

In her address at the launch, she emphasised the critical role of innovative solutions in promoting better health outcomes, particularly among the youth. The utilisation of AI in nutrition represents a paradigm shift in traditional dietary counselling and intervention approaches.

By harnessing the power of machine learning algorithms, the initiative aims to personalize nutritional recommendations tailored to the unique needs and preferences of individuals. This personalised approach holds immense potential in overcoming barriers to adherence and achieving sustained behaviour change.

During the launch event, Dr Folson demonstrated the functionality of the AI platform, showcasing its ability to analyze dietary patterns, assess nutritional deficiencies, and generate personalised meal plans.

The platform employs advanced algorithms that continuously learn and adapt based on user feedback, ensuring precision and effectiveness in its recommendations.

Speaking on the significance of the initiative, Mr Malang N. Fofana, Deputy Executive Director of NaNA, underscored the urgent need for innovative strategies to address malnutrition, which remains a pervasive challenge across Africa.

She commended Dr Folson and her team for their pioneering efforts in harnessing technology to revolutionize nutritional interventions.

The Africa Day celebration provided an opportune moment to launch the initiative, as it symbolizes unity and collective action towards the continent's development goals.
African leaders and stakeholders gathered to reaffirm their commitment to advancing nutrition security and sustainable development.

In addition to the AI-driven nutrition initiative, the event featured panel discussions, workshops, and exhibitions showcasing various initiatives aimed at improving nutrition outcomes across Africa. Participants exchanged ideas, shared best practices, and forged partnerships to accelerate progress towards a malnutrition-free continent.

Dr Gloria Folson expressed optimism about the potential impact of the initiative, stating, "By harnessing the power of AI, we can empower individuals to make informed dietary choices and improve their overall health and well-being. Together, we can build a healthier and more prosperous future for Africa's youth."

As the initiative gains momentum, stakeholders are eager to see its implementation unfold and the tangible benefits it brings in combating malnutrition and promoting a culture of healthy living among African youth.

The launch at the Africa Day celebration marks the beginning of a promising journey towards a brighter, healthier future for the continent.

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