Deputy Director General of GHS, Dr Anthony Adofo Ofosu

One of the four childhood cancers that can be fatal if not detected early is Burkitt lymphoma. This cancer affects the facial bone structure of children and can eventually lead to death.

However, there is good news for children suffering from this type of cancer. The Ghana Health Service (GHS) has received viles of rituximab, a medication used to treat Burkitt lymphoma, from World Child Cancer.

Speaking to JoyNews, the Deputy Director General of GHS, Dr Anthony Adofo Ofosu, said the donation is timely and will save many children.

Deputy Director General of GHS, Dr Anthony Adofo Ofosu

He highlighted that the high cost of the medication often prevents children from completing their treatment, leading to relapses and deaths.

“We have received a donation of rituximab from World Child Cancer. It’s to treat one of the childhood cancers we have, Burkitt lymphoma, and it can be very useful because this is quite an expensive medication.

"Often, when mothers start the treatment, they cannot complete a cycle, and then the child relapses and dies. So getting the donation gives a chance for children to be treated for free so that they can complete a course and be healed completely,” he said.

Project Coordinator for World Child Cancer Ghana, Juliet Boateng

On her part, the Project Coordinator for World Child Cancer Ghana, Juliet Boateng, also announced that scholarship opportunities will be provided to needy individuals who have survived childhood cancers to help them return to school.

“For anybody watching me out there, as part of this collaboration, we are giving out scholarships for people that have survived childhood cancers. So if you're a survivor of childhood cancer out there and you are seeing me today, I'm inviting you to pick up our application forms and apply to be sponsored through basic education. 

“We are sponsoring people through senior high school, apprenticeship programs and even to the university level. If you have survived childhood cancer, you deserve all the support that you can get,” she said.

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