Anti-corruption crusader, Vitus Azeem says individuals involved in the controversial contract between the Ghana Revenue Authority (GRA) and Strategic Mobilisation Limited (SML) must be prosecuted.

According to him, such matters cannot be ignored without any legal consequences.

Speaking on JoyNews' News Night on Thursday, May 23, Mr Azeem stated, “If you’re the commissioner of GRA and you sign a check to SML and you don’t see a withholding tax, you should be held responsible.”

He explained that the Authority should have requested a check for the withholding tax to avoid its accumulation and the risk of it becoming unpayable.

Mr Azeem said it is worrying that SML, which claimed to be assisting the GRA in plugging revenue leakages, is found to have evaded paying taxes.

He emphasised that procurement breaches in the contract are a serious concern, noting that there were established procedures that should have been followed.

“If you’re entering into this kind of contract, it’s only reasonable and fair that you go through the process if you think there’s nothing wrong with what you’re doing,” he said.

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