Dominion Christian Academy (DCA) has gifted a handmade artwork to the presiding Archbishop and General Overseer of Action Chapel International, Nicholas Duncan-Williams in celebration of his 67th birthday.

The unveiling, which coincided with the Founder’s Day celebration, highlighted the school's rich history and the collaborative efforts of its students.

The artwork, crafted by students, featured over a million pieces of beads, meticulously arranged to create a stunning portrait of Archbishop Duncan-Williams.

This gesture honoured his vision and leadership, commemorating his contributions to the community.

The Founder’s Day celebration was a significant event for the Dominion Christian Academy community, providing an opportunity to reflect on the school's founding principles and celebrate the legacy of its visionary leader.

The Head of School at Dominion Christian Academy, Bishop Dr Suzanne Nti, expressed pride in the students and their dedication to the project.

“Every student, with care and intention, placed their bead upon this tribute gift, creating a tapestry of love that radiates throughout our community," she stressed.

The event was attended by students, faculty, parents, alumni, church members, and members of the local community.

Dominion Christian Academy reiterated its commitment to nurturing the talents and aspirations of its students, from creche to secondary school, while upholding the timeless principles upon which it was founded.

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