Over 750 Liberians have been repatriated from Ghana following the demolition of the Buduburam refugee camp.

The Liberia Embassy in collaboration with the government of Ghana evacuated the nationals on Tuesday, May 21, 2024.

In an interview with Adom News, some of the Liberians said they were excited about returning home while others expressed disappointment.

Information gathered indicates that over 6,000 Liberians reside at Buduburam. The 750 repatriated on Tuesday are the first batch with another batch to be evacuated next week.

Meanwhile, the leader of Liberians, Dennis Yoko Gwion expressed disappointment in the government and the Police for not giving them shelter after the camp was demolished.


The Buduburam camp was demolished on February 27, 2024, which rendered about 600 including Liberians and Ghanaians homeless.

The demolition which was earlier scheduled for 2021 was postponed following pleas by residents for adequate time.

However, it was necessitated by concerns from chiefs and residents about the increasing crime rate in the area.

Their position was backed by the District Chief Executive for Gomoa East DCE, Solomon Quarm who said the camp had outlived its usefulness.

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